Union-City Roleplay will be taking a unique look at a close representation of life in New York, with an expansive Police Department with a realistic precinct rank structure leading up to a Police/Station Captain and even holding an Internal Affairs Division. We will be allowing all players to join any department following the belief that restricting players is simply a way to lose community members, however you will be able to apply for those higher positions should you wish to follow a Career in Public Service.
The following jobs will be open at launch:
- UCPD Police Officer
- UCPD Police Detective (Premium)
- UCMS Paramedic
- UCFD Firefighter
However due to the City Life style we will also be incorporating various organisations from business corporations like WorldCorp to the well-known criminal organisations like the Oregano Crime Family, all using legitimate business handles to hide their illegal activities via our business addon.
The following organisations are currently official:
- WorldCorp The Front for a gentlemen-styled criminal syndicate based from the United Kingdom.
- Jimmy’s Club The front for the Oregano Crime Family based from Italy.
- La Grande Hotel The front for a mexican cartel hoping to move the drug trade further into Union City.
We are currently looking for someone to create the Mexican or Spanish Criminal Organisation and manage the Hotel.